Fashion Leather Mastino Napoletano Collar with a Row of Etched Horizontal Plates
The dog often referred to as Neapolitan Mastiff or Mastino was born in Naples. This dog is probably a direct descend of ancient Molosser dogs that were once brought by the Romans for participating in battles and baiting in stage of ancient Rome.
Mastino Napoletano belongs to the group of large dogs – well-built canines with strong skeleton and short snout. These wrinkled and “terribly” looking animals have been used since ancient times in both fights and protection of person and his property.
According to mentions of prehistoric discoveries, ancient works and writings this dog breed lived 5000 years ago at the very least.
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War Leather Dog Collar for Mastino Napoletano Collar is Adorned with Antiqued Etched Plates
We love this dog very much therefore it is not a wonder that more and more people have this canine as friend and companion, as guardian and watchdog. You cannot stop admiring its great qualities that are so different but worthful. Having reflected on design of the goods appropriate for this dog we invented a leather dog collar – Fantastical Collar with Massive Vintage Plates. This exclusive collar looks wonderfully on Neapolitan Mastiff. At that Mastino Napoletano is a dog with enormous power that is better subdued with a right collar. Not every collar can perform this task effectively – most of them tear and stretch because they are not strong enough. They are mostly meant for quiet walking but when it comes to teaching the dog obedience they appear to be inadequate. You know, dear person, we did our best to manufacture this collar as durable as possible.
War Canine Collar for giant dogs is too difficult to break – you will be able to damage if deliberately cutting it with scissors or giving it to your dog for chewing. We guess, you are informed how to store leather and care for it. If not, please inquire about this problem.
This leather dog collar is undoubtedly a fashion accessory. Who does not want to see his Mastino walk proudly and attract everybody’s attention by his look? We aimed to make a collar for your Mastino that would look different than other decorated collars – most dog handlers think that we managed to do that.
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Best crafted leather canine collar for Mastino Napoletano with excellent fittings
Designer Mastino Napoletano collar enables the breed's popularity
Key features of this Mastino Napoletano Collar: - Full grain leather
- Remarkable exterior
- Fantastical plates with engraved edges
- Rust-resistant hardware
- Wide consequently comfortable
- Polished to silky smoothness
- Adjustable without problems
- Convenient buckle and dee Ring
- Practical and long-servicing
- Oiled for flexibility
- Extra durable
| Intended use of this Mastino Napoletano Collar: - Usual and stylish walks
- Training
- Dog management
- Control over large dogs
Sizes available: | Available colors: |
How to measure your Mastino Napoletano for good fit Collar:
Please be advised that:
- For buckle collar when you specify neck size we will make collar fit on central hole.
- There will be total of 5 holes and distance between each 2 holes is 1 inch (25 mm).
- For example: your dogs neck size is 20 inches (50 cm). Collar will fit on central hole at 20 inches (50 cm).
- There will be 2 smaller size holes - 18 inch (45 cm) and 19 inch (47.5 cm).
- There will be 2 bigger size holes - 21 inch (52.5 cm) and 22 inch (55 cm).
- There will also be tip of the collar after last hole about 2 inch long (5 cm).
- Those are handcrafted collars and some sizes will differ a little (not in significant way).
- 2 ply leather collars and padded leather collars are 1 inch bigger to make sure that it will fit your dog.
It is a collar with plenty of advantages. Its vintages plates just favorably adorn usual bucke collar with classic design. Adorned this way the collar is not a simple one but rather a masterpiece But it is most important that the collar is comfortable and safe. Why do you think that it is claim but not an assumption?? We are makers of all our dog products and know how they are made and from which materials. This leather collar meets the standards.
We make this studded dog collar from best leather material – soft and strong full grain leather which properties are beneficial. If treated duly this leather is most dependable and practical material. This brown leather dog collar features super strong leather, resistant to wear, tear and stretch. Just this leather is capable of standing considerable pulling tension – but we are sure your Mastiff can be very powerful!
Why is this collar named war? These plates will always remember that this breed has memorable glorious fighting past. Not only admirers of Mastino Napoletano should know that this dog played an important role in a history but also those seeing him walk by. This dog breed has the right to wear this allusive collar. Promise: No regrets for purchasing this collar!
Best collar should have best hardware and this handmade leather dog collar has it. The buckle and dee ring are strong as they’re made from nickel plated steel. We preferred this metal because its resistance to corrosion is higher than that of other metals or their alloys.
Check how our products look on the dogs / Pictures from Customers
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Mastino Napoletano is Happy When You Wear Him In This Vintage Leather Dog Collar
Check the video to see how this collar works:
Leather dog collar for Cane Corso with nickel covered plates